Community winning on CSG


Community winning on CSG
Paul Oosting – GetUp!

2:21 PM (16 minutes ago)

to me

You are winning the fight against coal seam gas!

People power has today shown it is more powerful than the coal seam gas companies like AGL, Origin, Metgasco, Dart Energy and others! A network of community groups and individuals, led by Lock the Gate have organised a widespread defence of their communities, land and the environment. GetUp members like you have been a key part of this grass-roots movement, chipping in to run TV, newspaper and radio ads, attending events and rallies, lobbying your local MPs, making submissions to government inquiries and assessment processes and reaching out to your friends and family to make sure they know of the risks from CSG.

As a result the Premier has said that legal exclusion zones will be put in place around all residential areas and future residential growth areas. That means much of NSW, including all residential areas, no matter the size of the town, will be protected from new CSG expansion. For those in rural areas that aren’t yet protected, there’s more work to do; but today is an encouraging sign.

Furthermore, the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) will be given new powers as the industry watchdog, with the power to revoke CSG licenses and the State’s chief scientist will be appointed to review impacts of CSG mining not covered by these reforms. There are also proposed exclusion zones around some industries such as vineyards and thoroughbred breeders.

We still have to ensure these commitments are delivered and that the other major impacts of CSG are addressed, such as the impact on:

People living in non-residential areas such as on farms;
Productive agricultural land;
Water catchments and aquifers; and
Natural assets like the Piliga Forest and other high conservation value areas.

Credit where credit is due. There is still more work to do but it is important we celebrate and consolidate this important and significant milestone. Please contact Premier Barry O’Farrell and thank him for this important commitment and urge him to deliver similar protections for farmers and agricultural land and natural areas too: Click here to tweet @BarryOFarrell, or click here to send him an email.

Together we’ve achieved so much and together we’ll need to remain vigilant to ensure these reforms and promises are delivered and that the impact of CSG on farmers, water and natural areas are addressed. If you’d like to support the continuing CSG campaign please donate here:

Again, congratulations on what is your significant achievement.
Paul for the GetUp team. GetUp is an independent, not-for-profit community campaigning group. We use new technology to empower Australians to have their say on important national issues. We receive no political party or government funding, and every campaign we run is entirely supported by voluntary donations. If you’d like to contribute to help fund GetUp’s work, please donate now! If you have trouble with any links in this email, please go directly to To unsubscribe from GetUp, please click here. Authorised by Sam Mclean, Level 2, 104 Commonwealth Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010.

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