Confiscated ivory at the Thai border reveals the extent of the trade
International poaching organizations have moved 16,000 illegally killed elephants through Laos with the assistance of corrupt officials placed as highly as the office of the Prime Minister. Three major trafficking organisations have been identified as working with corrupt officials to move millions of dollars worth of animal parts out of the country.
A summit of global governments in Africa last week totally banned trade in Pangolins, a scaly anteater that has been slaughtered in millions for the last decade.
Endangered animals are fourth behind human slaves, arms and drugs as the most lucrative trade in the world.
Laos Authorities Help Smuggle Exotic Wildlife for Kickbacks
Thousands of frozen Pangolin carcasses prior to incineration
The office of the Laos prime minister collaborated with three major trafficking organizations to move millions of dollars worth of animal body parts across borders, killing hundreds of tigers and rhinos and more than 16,000 elephants.
Geoff is an author, publisher and performer dedicated to building an independent media. He worked for Australian Consolidated Press as a Packer editor until starting his own media company in the mid-nineties.
The Generator started life as a radio show on Byron Bay's Bay FM and continues as an umbrella for the Cage, the Cross and Great Notion. These digital assets have now been shared with, a radio show with a similar history.