CPRS’s imminent demise is opportunity for real climate action

Climate chaos0


“The Coalition’s move for delay will kill this bill, so it’s time to move
on with serious action to create jobs and reduce emissions.

“The Greens are now stepping up our campaign for a gross feed-in tariff
for renewable energy, for investment in energy efficiency and an
intelligent grid, for forest protection and for a roll-out of public
transport and cyclepaths.

“There is no excuse for holding Australia back from the jobs boom that a
transition to zero emissions will deliver.

“It would be easy for the Government to move straight away with its
renewable energy target as well as the Greens’ more ambitious feed-in
tariff bill.

“The Government must now begin discussions with the Greens to develop an
environmentally robust and economically efficient emissions trading

The Government has refused to negotiate to green up the CPRS, preferring
instead to court the Coalition by making it even less environmentally
effective and more economically inefficient. The Greens will oppose this
fundamentally flawed legislation.

“The Greens oppose the CPRS as it would fail to protect the climate and
fail to transform the economy into the zero emissions powerhouse it can
and must become.

“The Continue Polluting Regardless Scheme would undermine the Copenhagen
negotiations by giving other countries an excuse to lower their level of

“The Continue Polluting Regardless Scheme would pay over $16 billion to
polluters instead of helping the community reduce their impact on the

“The Continue Polluting Regardless Scheme would sandbag the old, polluting
economy, instead of bringing on the transformation to a 21st century zero
emissions powerhouse.

“The CPRS’s imminent demise is the best opportunity for real climate
action Australia has had since the election of the Rudd Government.”

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