Daily update: Alinta mulls 50MW solar tower plant with storage

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Daily update: Alinta mulls 50MW solar tower plant with storage


RenewEconomy editor@reneweconomy.com.au via mail12.atl111.rsgsv.net

2:16 PM (7 minutes ago)

to me
Alinta Energy says it prefers a stand-alone solar tower plant with storage to replace its Port Augusta coal plants; rooftop solar sends Qld energy prices below zero – in the middle of the day; perils of trading politics and carbon price that might not exist; Graph of the Day – the great data drain; Solar shifts peak in WA as installations are forecast to treble; solar’s new weapon…; Ergon’s network storage deal; what’s happened to electricity demand over 2 years of carbon price; why capacity power schemes are the wrong way to go; and India’s huge floating solar plans.
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RenewEconomy Daily News
The Parkinson Report
Alinta Energy prefers a stand-alone 50MW solar tower plant with storage to replace coal fired power stations in Port Augusta, rather than hybrid plant.
Rooftop solar pushes energy prices in Queensland below zero in middle of day, something that used to only happen at night, when people slept.
Energy markets are being asked to trade on basis carbon price doesn’t exist. So who’s playing by the rules. And what are the rules?
IEA says energy inefficient networked devices waste $80bn a year – the equivalent UK and Norway’s annual electricity consumption combined.
WA grid operator says rooftop solar has shifted afternoon peak, cut it overall. Predicts ‘saturation’ of market could occur within a decade.
Ergon Energy says it has finalised plans to install 20 100kWh battery storage systems on its network to cut costs.
Soon, all hybrid inverters will be able to process weather data, allowing solar households to get power at the cheapest price possible at all times.
As the carbon price turns 2, data shows total electricity demand has fallen 4.6% since June 2012, emissions by 10.4%, or 18Mt CO2-e.
Ergon Energy says it has finalised plans to install 20 100kWh battery storage systems on its network to cut costs.
It’s understandable energy companies lobby for capacity schemes, but they are an unnecessary subsidy that will only drive power prices up for co

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