Daily update: Australia urged to set 50% renewables target by 2030

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Daily update: Australia urged to set 50% renewables target by 2030


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2:50 PM (7 minutes ago)

to me
Australia urged to go to 50% renewables by 2030 as first step to zoo carbon energy by 2050, South Australia aims for 50% renewables by 2025; been energy paper focuses on gas, coal and nuclear; fossil subsidies may amount to $39bn a year says new report, how solar will bring about a people’s energy revolution, why Rockefellers dumped Big Oil for renewables. And more:
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RenewEconomy Daily News
The Parkinson Report
Australia urged to set 50% renewables target by 2030 Giles Parkinson
Major new report from ClimateWorks suggests Australia should aim for 50% renewables by 2030, as important stepping stone to zero-carbon economy by 2050 – when we will still have air-conditioning, drive cars, and enjoy a thriving economy.
Abbott energy green paper mentions gas 434 times, coal 100 times and nuclear 67. Storage gets 32, solar 26, and wind energy just 13 mentions.
Australia could go to zero net emissions by 2050, without compromising prosperity and with new economic opportunities if the world goes low carbon.
Report says unpriced CO2 pollution is biggest energy subsidy ‘by far,’ costing Australia $14-39bn in damage to economy, environment, health, and security.
South Australia says it has already met its 33% renewable target, and will lift this to 50% for 2025 – if the national RET stays in place.
Solar power is the spark to energize a new energy economy from the bottom up.
EU collaboration including Australia’s Carnegie Wave Energy closes in on developing standardised, self-contained offshore electricity generator.
The heirs to the fortune of US oil tycoons John and William Rockefeller have divested their funds fossil fuel investments and reinvested them in renewables.
Citigroup says annual solar installations will more than double in Australia by 2020, with global market set to jump to 51GW in 2015.
Team UOW’s net-zero energy Illawarra Flame House – based on a converted fibro shack – wins another award, this time for engineering excellence.
Penetration rates of no-carbon generation have increased from 50% to 56% in recent years in Europe.

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