Daily update: Australian network operators ready to ditch poles and wires


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Daily update: Australian network operators ready to ditch poles and wires


Renew Economy editor@reneweconomy.com.au via mail346.us3.mcdlv.net

2:30 PM (25 minutes ago)

to me
Australian network operators ready to ditch poles and wires, First Solar, Acciona reconsider Australian renewable investments, Renewables investment falls, Sungevity cashes in as EU power giants turn to solar, Mudoch press takes aim at ACT’s 90% renewable plan, Margaret River winery taps solar PV, Was WA Senate really a vote against carbon tax? And Australia’s biggest coal state plans for life beyond coal.
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RenewEconomy Daily News
The Parkinson Report
Industry body says Queensland and WA networks likely to the first to dump poles and wires, and allow new businesses that will focus on small grids, solar and storage. Australia, with high electricity costs and plenty of sun, could be leading the world in new energy model.
Two of world’s biggest renewable energy developers reconsider Australia in light of RET review, while new report says cutting renewables will only benefit coal.
UN report points to plunging solar costs and a surge in PV installation as silver lining to two-year decline in global renewables investment.
US rooftop solar leasing upstart attracts $70m from E.ON, GE and others as major European power groups turn focus on solar.
Murdoch press mixes some right wing ideology and a double helping of misinformation to attack ACT government’s ambitious renewable energy plan.
Western Australia winery aims to cut power costs and grid dependence with completion of 149kW solar PV array.
The fundamentalism of Abbott’s anti-carbon stance can be seen in the intention to remove climate change from the G20 summit agenda.
Campbell Newman let looose a rare, unscripted truth on Australia’s national policies when it comes to coal.
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