Daily update: Climate doubting coal baron saves wind and solar


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Daily update: Climate doubting coal baron saves wind and solar


Renew Economy editor@reneweconomy.com.au via mail6.atl111.rsgsv.net

1:57 PM (17 minutes ago)

to me
Climate doubting coal baron saves wind and solar, Renewable industry rejoices but questions remain over investment, Newman’s coal generators biggest loser from Palmer’s RET, Chemical breakthrough to slash costs of solar, CCA proposes tight emissions standards for cars, Wind energy’s big week, Carbon capture and storage enters the twilight zone, The millions behind Bjorn Lomborg, Can JFK save Australia from its climate crisis? and Battery storage maker Redflow gets fundraising boost.
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RenewEconomy Daily News
The Parkinson Report
… but not the carbon price. Clive Palmer’s triple backflip on climate policies creates a political nightmare for Tony Abbott. Now he knows his policies are really untenable.
Certificate prices jumped, and the renewables industry rejoiced – but large scale investment will not resume anytime soon, and rooftop solar is still exposed.
The biggest losers from Palmer’s defence of RET will be coal generators his biggest political enemy, Campbell Newman, is trying to sell.
A UK university has hailed a major breakthrough in solar technology, using chemicals found in tofu to make solar panels much cheaper and safer.
Climate Change Authority calls for tight emissions standards for cars, saying costs will be offset within two years in fuel savings.
Wind energy operates near full capacity for last three days, with record output across eastern states, and accounting for nearly 2/3 of South Australia’s needs.
Glum title of IEA’s latest review into CCS is symptomatic of gloom enveloping even the most ardent supporters of the technology.
Bjorn Lomborg is a favourite of the Australian conservatives looking to slow down climate action and clean energy investment. An investigation raises interesting questions about the sources of his funding.
What is little known about coal baron and federal MP Clive Palmer is his interest in world affairs – and in particular US politics in general.
Australia battery storage developer Redflow has completed a successful capital raising after being

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