Daily update: COALition government? So who’s running this country?

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Daily update: COALition government? So who’s running this country?


Renew Economy editor@reneweconomy.com.au via mail64.atl111.rsgsv.net

11:54 AM (46 minutes ago)

to me
COALition government? Abengoa says CSP with storage will beat baseload gas by 2020, US plots a path to 6c/kWh solar, An alternative to conventional CPV tracking, Why owning your own power plant might not be crazy, Chinese billionaire vows to take on Tesla, Hawaii passes point of no return on distributed generation, and Rolls Royce to slim for plug-in hybrid and full electric.
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RenewEconomy Daily News
The Parkinson Report
If Australians elected a government owned and operated by coal industry and other fossil fuel interests – a COALition, if you will – and gave it carte blanche, what would it do? Probably attack carbon pricing, environmental markets, renewable energy, rooftop solar, research, independent institutions, efficiency measures – just for a start.
One of the world’s leading developers of solar energy says that solar tower technology with storage will be competitive with baseload gas generation by 2020.
The US energy department is boosting plans to bring down the cost of solar to 6c/kWh. Here’s how they plan to do it.
Once in a while, an ‘outside the box’ approach comes along and addresses challenges such as tracking the sun.
Could a “personal power plant” be your next major home appliance? It could be as convenient and practical as your laptop, or fridge.
Fisker, backed by billionaire Lu Guanqiu, is determined to compete with Tesla in the EV market, or go broke trying.
Hawaii’s governor lays out the reality of the state’s grid: “The energy Rubicon has been crossed. There is no turning back.”
British luxury car maker to put next-gen Phantom on strict diet and electric workout, with plans for a plug-in hybrid and even a full electric version.

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