Daily update: Consumers big winners in solar/storage revolution

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Daily update: Consumers big winners in solar/storage revolution


Renew Economy editor@reneweconomy.com.au via mail3.wdc01.mcdlv.net

3:29 PM (40 minutes ago)

to me
Consumers to be big winners in solar/strorage revolution, Why utilities face their Kodak moment,   How Australia’s climate policy stacks up, Coal: Australia’s major problem with power sector emissions, Demand and emissions and wholesale prices still going down, Clean energy is offensive because it works, Feds say U.S can double hydropower, Round-the-clock solar power station wins major award, And the winner is..Passive House!
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RenewEconomy Daily News
The Parkinson Report
The solar-inspired transformation of Australia’s energy market is likely to happen quicker than anyone thinks, says PwC. This includes the decline of retailers, the emergence of “crown funded” energy companies within 3 years – and lower bills and greater control for consumers.
Electricity market changing so quickly that traditional utilities are facing their Kodak moment. Either they change quickly or they will lose their “right to survive”.
A comparison of speeches from the US Ambassador to Australia and federal environment minister Greg Hunt illustrate a huge divide in climate policy approach.
BNEF analyst says Australia faces a ‘major problem’ with power sector emissions without effective government policy to drive coal out of the mix.
Coal fired generation at record low in Australia, as wind generation hits record high of 4.6 per cent. Emissions and costs also fall.
The offense felt by Joe Hockey towards wind farms isn’t shared by most Australians. But the issue of aesthetics is real, and needs to be considered carefully.
A new U.S. Department of Energy report shows that the Grand Canyon and other major gorges and rivers across the U.S may be ideal for hydropower development.
The Gemasolar plant near Seville in Spain can store enough heat to operate for 18 hours at full capacity without any additional power from the sun.
In northern Europe, demand for heat makes up around 40 percent of total energy demand. Passive House architecture can nearly wipe out

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