Daily update: Hunt: The ‘extreme left is against electricity’ Inbox x

4 August, 2014 Uncategorized0
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Daily update: Hunt: The ‘extreme left is against electricity’


Renew Economy editor@reneweconomy.com.au via mail4.atl111.rsgsv.net

12:45 PM (6 minutes ago)

to me
Hunt: The ‘extreme left is against electricity’; SunPower sees storage in commercial market in 2015; How “YieldCos” are changing paradigm of renewables investment; Aust CleanTech index beats main market again; Australian businesses don’t recycle, don’t care; Utilities want to promote EVs to ‘remain viable’; Finding a fair price for solar & the grid; and Tesla & Panasonic finally sign lithium-ion gigafactory agreement.
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RenewEconomy Daily News
The Parkinson Report
In an audience with right wing commentator Andrew Bolt, Australia’s environment minister Greg Hunt says the left is “against electricity” and anyone opposed to coal mines is trying keep hundreds of millions of people in poverty. Not only does this just parrot extreme blogs and the coal lobby, it doesn’t make financial sense.
SunPower has flagged the introduction of battery storage into the commercial market in 2015 in Australia, as it looks to rapidly expand its home energy service offerings.
Alongside Green Bonds, the recent success of renewable energy YieldCos is attracting attention as a way to aggressively access global capital markets.
Australian CleanTech Index closes first month of new financial year with 5 per cent gain, beating out S&P ASX200 and S&P ASX Small Ordinaries Index.
New study finds that 80% of Australian companies have no green policy in place and don’t care enough to recycle waste when possible.
Facing flat or declining electricity sales, electric vehicles are a path to growth for power companies.
A Californian utility is exploring a future of distributed energy. The key is to accurately reflect costs and benefits of these services to the grid.
Panasonic and Tesla have agreed on how the two will jointly carry out construction of gigafactory in  the U.S, including the roles each will play.

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