Divestment forum for climate recovery

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350.org’s divestment forum at UQ on 17 October

To Divest or Not to Divest? What can fossil fuel divestment offer our climate, communities and economy?

Everyone’s talking about it. From Obama and Desmond Tutu to the IEA and Lord Stern.The organisation 350.org is holding a divestment forum on Thur 17th October at 6pm.

The topic is: What can divestment really offer our climate, communities and economy?

Come hear from our panel of experts:

  • Professor Ian Lowe, Australian Conservation Foundation
  • Drew Hutton, Lock the Gate Alliance
  • Justine Hickey, Superannuation Director
  • Karen McLeod, Ethical Investment Advisors
  • Stephen Bygrave, Beyond Zero Emissions
MC: The Conversation’s Liz Minchin

When: 18:00 – 19:30, Thursday 17th October

Where: Abel Smith Theatre, University of Queensland, St Lucia Campus

RSVP here and checkout the facebook event.


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