Election 2010 Uniting Care

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Election 2010

Major church groups call for a ten year plan to overcome poverty. 20 August

UnitingCare’s Election Report Card released. 19 August

Both Major Parties fall short on Social Policy Commitments. 19 August

A report card on Aged Care election promises. 18 August

UnitingCare Australia applauds the Greens in calling for a Children’s Commissioner. 17 August

Coalition’s Job Commitment Bonus not the answer to tackling Long-term Unemployment. 17 August

New lease of life for social services welcome. 9 August

Greens aged care policy offers action and vision. 8 August

Help for vulnerable teenagers welcome. 2 August

UnitingCare Australia launches Key Social Policy Priorities for the 2010 Federal Election at Parliament House. 2 August

Compulsory widespread income management will not address disadvantage. 28 July

Major church groups seek action on community mental health. 21 July


Draft Child Protection Standards welcome but independent National Children’s Commissioner needed. 7 July

Time for Action on Gambling. 23 June

Vulnerable Australians miss out because of red tape. 31 May

Budget 2010: Election is now the best chance for the Government to deliver on its Social Inclusion Agenda. 11 May

2010 Budget priorities for action. 10 May

UnitingCare Australia calls for Ministerial Taskforce following Henry Review. 2 May







Election 2010



Download our Election 2010 Report Card here:


Download our Election 2010 Key Priority documents here:


Position Papers



The priorities in these UnitingCare papers sit alongside The Uniting Church and Uniting Justice’s Federal election material: Building an economy for Life




UnitingCare Australia’s Election 2010 Advocacy


UnitingCare Australia media releases

Major church groups call for a ten year plan to overcome poverty – 20 August 2010

Election Report Card: Both Major Parties fall short on Social Policy Commitments – 19 August 2010

Election 2010 – UnitingCare Australia applauds the Greens in calling for a Commonwealth Commissioner for Children and Young People – 17 August 2010

Election 2010 – Coalition’s Job Commitment Bonus is not the answer to tackling Long-term Unemployment – 17 August 2010

New lease of life for social services welcome – 9 August 2010

Help for vulnerable teenagers welcome – 2 August 2010

2010 Federal Election – A decent life for every person – 2 August 2010

Compulsory widespread income management will not address disadvantage – 28 July 2010

Major church groups seek action on community mental health. – 21 July 2010 


Coalition for the Care of Older Australians (CCOA) media releases

From the outside looking in – A report card on Aged Care election promises – 18 August 2010

Aged care at what cost? – 12 August 2010

Vote 1 – Aged Care – 11 August 2010

Greens aged care policy offers action and vision  – 8 August 2010

New research reinforces urgent need for aged care reforms – 6 August 2010

Coalition aged care policy a boost for older Australians – 1 August 2010

Looking forward to Coalition aged care policy – 30 July 2010

Major parties silent on aged care policies – 24 July 2010

Aged care remote in rural areas – 22 July 2010

The Grand Plan for the federal election – 17 July 2010



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