We all know that innovation is the one sustainable way to build business growth. Competing on price, exploiting staff or resources and cutting corners might gain you short term advantage, but inevitably lead to decline.
Associate Professor of Management at QUT Business School, Professor Paul Steffens, is the guest speaker at the SW Chamber breakfast next Thur 10th July. Head on down to the Robertson Gardens complex on Kessels Rd at 6:45am to hear Professor Steffens discuss methods for diffusing innovation through your organisation as part of a future proofing campaign.
Regulars beware, this is the second Thursday of the month, not the first.
Professor Steffens is also Deputy Director of The Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research (ACE). His core areas of expertise are entrepreneurship and diffusion of innovations. Paul has been a lead investigator for research projects totalling more than AUD 1.5 million and has published over fifty academic publications, including journal articles in leading entrepreneurship, marketing and technology management journals.
Professor Steffens will be discussing entrepreneurship in today’s economy.