European Commission warns nine members states about their climate change obligations


First warnings: This was the position on the failure to link
national registries with a EU registry involving Cyprus, Greece,
Luxembourg, Malta and Poland; failure to send information needed to
prepare for international emissions trading involving Germany, Italy,
Luxembourg and Spain and the failure to submit information on
greenhouse gas emissions involving Cyprus, Italy, Malta and Spain.

Final warnings: The second and final warning called on the
member state to comply with its obligations within a specified period,
usually two months. This was the case with the failure to submit
information on greenhouse gas emissions involving Austria, Cyprus,
Luxembourg, Malta and Poland.

Case can go to Court of Justice: If the member state failed to
comply within the stipulated time, the EC could bring the case before
the Court of Justice. Where the Court of Justice found an infringement,
the offending member state was required to take the measures necessary
to conform.

Court can impose financial penalty: The EC had the power to act
against a member state that did not comply with a previous judgement of
the European Court of Justice. The EC could ask the Court to impose a
financial penalty on the member state.

Reference: Digest of latest news reported on website of Climate
Change Secretariat of United Nations Framework on Climate Change
Control (UNFCCC). 6 April 2006. Address: PO Box 260 124, D-53153 Bonn.
Germany. Phone: : (49-228) 815-1005, Fax: (49-228) 815-1999. Email:

Erisk Net, 8/4/2006

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