Expert: Nuclear Power Is On Its deathbed

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Expert: Nuclear Power Is On Its Deathbed
Chicago Tribune
The disaster insurance for nuclear power plants in the United States is currently underwritten by the federal government, Cooper says. Without that safeguard, “nuclear power is neither affordable nor worth the risk. If the owners and operators of
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TV Ad Calls on Edison to Keep San Onofre Nuclear Reactors Shut Down
eNews Park Forest
The ad parallels the threat from San Onofre’s troubled reactors with the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan — and notes that eight million Americans live within 50 miles of San Onofre, the distance the US government advised should be evacuated in
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The Green Nuke Lovers Are Wrong
Brooklyn Rail
And here is the takeaway: there will be no nuclear future. For more than a decade, the atomic power industry and many in government have promised us a “nuclear renaissance.” A whole new fleet of atomic power plants, new high-tech third and fourth
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US Deal With Europeans Limits Risk Of Illicit Nuclear Bombs
The South African plant, for example, already produces isotopes using the less dangerous material. A driving force behind the LEU switch has been the US, which for years has used the fact it is the HEU supplier for these facilities as a cudgel.
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LNG’s role in post-Fukushima Japanese energy policy
Oil & Gas Journal
LNG consumption by Japan’s power sector increased by 20% in 2011 as the delayed resumption of suspended nuclear reactors forced utilities to increase thermal power generation. The consumption increased despite the fact that Japan’s total power demand
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US Energy Poll Shows Domestic Oil Production Support Is Rising
Huffington Post
Supporters tout natural gas as capable of producing reliable baseload power with a fraction of the dangerous emissions that coal-fired power plants produce and without the dangerous spent fuel cells that nuclear power produces. And in that sense,
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Iran-Israel Nukes Conflict: Of Rogue Leaders & Rogue States: Report From 20
The Moderate Voice
Entire forests have been denuded in recent weeks as pundits speculate whether Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has been bluffing about launching air strikes against Iran’s nascent nuclear program. If ever an important issue needed a time out this is it
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The Moderate Voice

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