Technology the key? “A technological approach means improving
energy generation right across the board. Fossil fuels need technology
to become cleaner just as renewable energies need technological
solutions to their supply challenges – when the wind doesn’t blow or
sun doesn’t shine,” said Macfarlane.
Task Force approach: The Ministerial meeting endorsed the Task
Force approach devised in earlier dialogue between business and
government representatives for all six nations, chaired by US Energy
Secretary Samuel Bodman and Mr Macfarlane. The AP6 nations, government
and business, have committed to developing and implementing
technological solutions in eight key industry sectors:
– Cleaner fossil energy;
– renewable energy and distributed generation;
– steel;
– aluminium;
– cement;
– mining;
– power generation and transmission;
– buildings and appliances.
Report back by June: “The Task Forces will report back by the
middle of 2006 with specific technological projects and approaches to
be pursued on a cross-country basis. We have to lock in the business
enthusiasm expressed here and have specific projects nominated by the
next AP6 meeting in 2007,” said Mr Macfarlane.
“New collaborative era”: He argued that time would prove this
was the start to a new era of government and business collaboration,
openness and environmental responsibility. “There is enormous
government will to see this collaboration succeed and now is the time
for business to take their rightful lead in developing technological
solutions to a global human problem,” he said.
Reference: Media release by lan Macfarlane, Australian Industry Minister, 12 Jan. 06.
Erisk Net, 12/1/2006