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FW: Its not too late 9
I have prepared an urgent report and urge you to read. It is not long, and full of of pictures rather than scientific technicalities. I am reporting on an urgent consequence of heating in the Arctic. Increased warming has created the immediate prospect of a massive release of methane. The urgency is that this promises to be so large it will dwarf in one outburst all the carbon we have ever produced. I asked friends whether I should send this out. It is such a monstrous story I felt I had to find support before posting it. Neal: In the marketing world they say you have to get your storey across to your audience at least eight times before they will accept you. So I say publish and publish and keep repeating what people need to know. Catherine: If for no other reason, this report is a good reminder of what really matters and of where we would be better served to put our attention. |