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Landslides in Arizona

Posted: 04 May 2014 05:29 AM PDT

The Arizona Geological Survey has a new article by Michael Conway titled: Landslides – Mitigating a clear and present danger.

The Arizona landscape is no stranger to landslides. The entire spectrum of landslide types – debris avalanche, debris flow, earthflow, creep, rock fall, rock slide, topple, rotational and translational landslides – are encountered here.

Guide to the Redwall Limestone of the Grand Canyon

Posted: 04 May 2014 05:25 AM PDT

Here is a really nice educational guide from the Arizona Geological Survey Repository. One of the best educator documents that we have seen.

“What makes the Redwall Limestone a unique and important stratigraphic unit in the Grand Canyon? This is one of the questions asked and answered in this guide to the Redwall. Written to assist guides in describing the geology of Grand Canyon, this colorful product should be of use to professional geologists, geophiles and people generally interested in geology.”

Aftermath of the Afghanistan Landslide

Posted: 04 May 2014 05:22 AM PDT

This Reuters article describes some of the problems associated with the massive landslide that killed perhaps 2000 people in Afghanistan.

Ohio GeoFacts: Geologic Hazards

Posted: 04 May 2014 05:13 AM PDT

As part of their GeoFacts series, the Ohio Geological Survey has fact sheets on some of their geologic hazards. These include: mine subsidence, landslides and earthquakes.

Related: What your homeowner’s insurance does not cover.

Tar Volcano on the Floor of the Gulf?

Posted: 04 May 2014 04:59 AM PDT

Researchers searching for a shipwreck site discovered what appears to be a tar volcano on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico. Video and article.

BP Wins 24 Blocks in the Gulf of Mexico

Posted: 04 May 2014 04:53 AM PDT

BP paid $41.6 million for the right to drill on tracts in the Gulf of Mexico that total to an area about twice the size of Maine.

Oregon: Online Public Landslide Database

Posted: 04 May 2014 04:51 AM PDT

The Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries expanded its online public database that identifies the location of tens of thousands of known landslides across Oregon.

Leaf Analysis to Determine Ancient Climate?

Posted: 04 May 2014 04:33 AM PDT

An article in The Columbus Dispatch explains how a study of leaves might reveal ancient climates in parts of what is now southern Saskatchewan.

Mineral Hardness Picks

Posted: 04 May 2014 04:25 AM PDT

Mineral hardness picks are pencil-like tools that have points made from materials that match the hardness of minerals in the Mohs Hardness Scale. With them you can easily test the hardness of mineral grains in a rock and test the hardness of small-size specimens. In our opinion they are easier to use than pieces of minerals and allow you to obtain more accurate results. They also do not contaminate your specimen with particles of the hardness mineral.

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