Water restrictions lifted for two days on the Gold Coast


Decision contrary to impending restrictions: Southeast Queensland is preparing for a total hose ban within weeks as part of tough new Level 3 water restrictions, but the Gold Coast City Council has voted to let its residents hose their homes and driveways over a two-day period.

Gold Coast out of step: The move, which will see northern Gold Coast residents using precious Brisbane water, is at odds with an agreement by councils in southeast Queensland to take a regional approach to water use.

Odds and evens system: However homes in the northern Gold Coast region would be using Brisbane water due to a long-standing supply agreement in which the area still draws 15 megalitres a day. Under the plan, approved unanimously by Gold Coast councillors, even-numbered homes would hose one day and odd-numbered homes the next day during one sodden weekend. No date was set for the wet weekend but it was intended to be some time late in May.

The Courier Mail, 12/4/2006, p. 1

Source: Erisk Net  

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