GOSFORD Council is set to change the way sea level rise mapping is displayed on its website – and the Coastal Residents Group is celebrating.
The group had been agitating for changes to the mapping, which they said was highly confusing.
“This is a big step and we are pleased reference to a one-in-a-100-year flood scenario is to be removed from sea level rise maps,” Coastal Residents Group secretary Pat Aiken said. “There will no longer be potential for that information to be misunderstood.
“It also takes away any opportunity for insurance companies to take advantage of misinformation in setting premiums.”
Mr Aiken said there was still work to be done and he looked forward to a period of community consultation on the new mapping.
“The king tide information could still be open to misinterpretation,” he said.
“We need more information on these tides, so that people understand what impact that could have on their properties.”
“It also takes away any opportunity for insurance companies to take advantage of misinformation in setting premiums,” Mr Aiken said.