Greens will be schools’ insurance policy on infrastructure

6th August 2010


A strong Greens’ presence in the Senate is vital to provide insurance to
schools that they will receive the infrastructure they desperately need,
according to Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young.

Senator Hanson-Young, Greens spokesperson on Education, says the
Taskforce report into the Building the Education Revolution program has
confirmed the problems with the scheme but also the benefits for schools
and communities across Australia.

“It is clear that there have been some problems with the program in less
than three per cent of cases, and that these were serious problems which
have to be addressed,” Senator Hanson-Young said.

“However the report also acknowledges what everybody except Tony Abbott
knows – that the BER program, as part of the stimulus package, had to be
done under severe time constraints in order to help keep Australia out
of recession.

“The program was also a big opportunity to redress years of chronic
underfunding of Australian schools, particularly in the area of

“The Greens are glad we supported this package, and we remain committed
to its future. Regardless of who is in government after this election,
the remaining schools on the list must receive the infrastructure
funding they need.

“If Tony Abbott had his way, Australian schools would have missed out on
$16 billion in vital infrastructure funding.

“The Liberals are clearly the party of no when it comes to policy, and
Tony Abbott is Dr No. A strong Greens presence in the Senate will ensure
that the Coalition can’t just say no to schools who are still waiting
for the infrastructure they need and deserve.”
The Greens believe in transparency and accountability, and support the
Report’s recommendations for publication of school specific cost data
related to the BER program, and greater involvement of school
stakeholders and consultation in decision making on design and education
outcomes for projects yet to be completed.

“This program needs to be completed, but remaining projects must be
scrutinised to ensure they are well targeted, efficiently delivered,
economically sound and environmentally sustainable.”


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