Hard Rain falls on ALP before conference


Dear Friends

This is a critical moment in Australia’s history.

The future of uranium mining in Australia is to be discussed at this conference (Sydney 26th-28th April).If the ALP decides to change its policy on uranium mining Australia will be committed by both major parties to an open slather pro uranium mine platform at election time.

I have followed closely the nuclear issue for the last three decades. I’ve made three major films on the issue. Because there is no genuine debate in the media showing the downsides of mining more uranium and encouraging its exponential growth overseas, I have made another documentary that specifically addresses the nuclear issue in Australia.

I am writing to request your support. You can help stop uranium mining in Australia by screening the film, A Hard Rain, in the lead up to the Labor party conference…and beyond.

Sitting on 40% of the world uranium reserves, we have a huge responsibility to human kind to make the right decision about what we do with that reserve. We can no longer turn a blind eye and rely on overseas shaky guarantees that our uranium is not being used in nuclear weapons manufacture.

We owe it to our children and our grandchildren, to all species who inherit this land, to be wise and knowledgeable in deciding whether to open Pandora’s box still further by allowing uranium mines to dot the country.

Everything I have learnt in the previous three decades of following this issue tells me this will unleash a radioactive tailings nightmare upon Australia. That radioactivity will weep into our water supply and blow in the wind for hundreds of thousands of years. It will create untold extra and unnecessary cancers in this country. Is that the future we really want to bequeath the next generation?

A Hard Rain exposes the myths of the nuclear cycle from uranium mining to nuclear power to waste and weapons (see synopsis below).

I’ve made A Hard Rain on a shoe string and to a tight deadline. It has been made as a tool to inform the debate on the nuclear issue. I have released it now and made a simplified 20 minute version of it specifically to convince the ALP that it should not overturn the ‘no new mines’ policy this April.

Please do whatever you can to support this effort.

Details of how you can help are below

Kind Regards


Synopsis: A Hard Rain

This is a documentary that had to be made! Twice Academy award nominee and five times AFI winner David Bradbury’s latest contribution, A Hard Rain, explores the ‘other side’ of the nuclear debate.

Governments and most mainstream media are promoting that nuclear is now an attractive alternative to fossil fuels – the magic fix that will save us all from global warming. Nuclear power has taken on a clean and green spin from the low point 20 years ago which saw the Chernobyl meltdown.

Traversing five countries – China, France, UK, Japan and Australia, and using what Bradbury learnt from his previous three nuclear documentaries (Public Enemy Number One, Jabiluka and Blowin’ in the Wind), A Hard Rain takes a closer look at the global nuclear industry in its entirety – from the mining of uranium through to the nuclear power plant to the radioactive waste and weapons manufacturing. It exposes the hidden agendas behind this latest push for Australia to go nuclear.

Included are interviews with some of the world’s top scientists and environmentalists on the subject such as Dr Rosalie Bertell from Canada, Dr Chris Busby from the UK, and from Australia, Dr Mark Deisendorf (Ex CSIRO) who heads up the Environmental Institute at the University of NSW, Dr Ian Lowe, President of the Australian Conservation Foundation, and Dr Gavin Mudd from the Monash University Engineering Department.

Interviews with traditional owners who have been locked out of genuine consultation with what is happening on their country is also included in this film.

By looking at the experience of countries overseas that have gone nuclear, A Hard Rain debunks some of the myths of the nuclear industry: that nuclear is safe, cheap, health and green with little chance of another Chernobyl happening.

If you want vital and factual information to debate the issue intelligently and overthrow the myths that the nuclear and pro uranium mining lobby has so successfully implanted in the media, in the government and the Labor Party, then this documentary is a must see.

Using Hard Rain to oppose Uranium Mining

Get your community to lobby your local Labor Party delegates prior to the ALP conference that begins on April 26th. Show Hard Rain to as many people as possible, get it into the hands of all the most influential people you can. There are two versions available.

Hard hitting simplistic version (for politicians and news media)

A 20 minutes version of Hard Rain will be sent to ALP delegates and politicians prior to the conference. Free copies of this version are available from April 13th until the conference starts on April 26th.

Your order needs to be received by the 6th so you can receive the film by the 13th.

Email hardrain@…. or order through www.onestopgreenshop.com.au

Full documentary film – plus screening kit (for community screenings)

We encourage you to screen this film as widely as possible. Ideally your community screening will take place around April 13th. We will be notifying the media nation wide that the film is available and that community screenings are taking place.

A community screening kit is available to help you promote your screening.

  1. Screen it at home among friends, and use the information that comes in the DVD case to generate discussion and spread the word.
  2. Screen it within your group and download promotional information and letters to help your group make a difference. Support the film maker, collect donations.
  3. Hold a community screening and really galvanise the broader community in your area, into action. You can download or purchase a printed screening kit to help with this. We ask you to charge an entry fee and donate half to Frontline Films.

The quickest way is to get the film is through OnestopGreenShop.com.au paying by PayPal or credit card. You can also download the screening pack there, for free, or order a printed version to go with the DVD. You can also get DVDs for sale to raise money for your group and Frontline.

Screening pack includes: DVDs, posters, press release, template letters to politicians and newspapers, order forms, together with other information about lobbying on this issue.

DVDs for fundraising sell well after a screening so it is great to have some on hand. Order DVDs with the screening pack to reduce postage costs and save time. To reduce your upfront cost, we will send you XX number of DVDs at $15.00 each plus postage, prepaid by you when you organise the screening pack. The DVDs and the ‘screening pack’ are sent together.

DVDs that are sold on the night retail at $40.00 (rrp). You keep $5.00 per DVDas part of your fund raising and to cover your costs. You write a cheque to Frontline Films for $35 per DVD sold plus half your takings minus the amount you paid when you organised the screening.
Any DVDs not sold are returned to the distributor, with return postage paid by you.

People who cannot buy a DVD on the night can fill out an order form that comes with the screening pack and you can post them to us along with the amount owing on the screening. It’s much easier if they pay you on the night, but we understand that is not always possible.

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