John Howard’s core electoral supporters have become climate-change warriors – and are waiting for the Prime Minister to catch up, according to Malcolm Farr and Nicolette Burke in The Daily Telegraph (2/11/2006, p.5).
Majority say polluters must pay: A Newspoll survey revealed that 77 per cent of Coalition backers want dirty industries to pay for emissions. The survey found 90 per cent of Coalition voters wanted a change from coal-powered energy to renewable energy and 71 per cent wanted Australia to be part of the Kyoto protocols.
General call for action: The Greenpeace-commissioned survey found Australians generally want more action from the government. That sentiment was echoed in a Daily Telegraph online poll on Tuesday, in which 73 per cent said we must join the world in doing more. Just 13 per cent thought the government was doing enough and 12 per cent saw no point in taking action.
Telegraph online poll results: Should the government do more to tackle climate change? 86 per cent Yes, 8 per cent No, and 6 percent Neither/Don’t know. Should the government sign Kyoto? Yes 79 per cent, No 9 per cent, N/DN 11 per cent. Should industries that produce greenhouses gases be made to pay emission levies? Yes 91 per cent, No 4 per cent, N/DN 4 per cent. Should Australians be prepared to pay a little more for energy to help investment in renewable energy? Yes 75 per cent, No 21 per cent, N/DN 5 per cent.
The Daily Telegraph, 2/11/2006, p. 5
Source: Erisk Net