I Energy Storage Special Edition: SunPower on solar, storage (r .evolution

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Energy Storage Special Edition: SunPower on solar, storage (r



RenewEconomy editor@reneweconomy.com.au via mail68.us2.rsgsv.net

8:01 AM (5 minutes ago)

to me
In depth interview on solar and storage with SunPower CO Tom Werner; the divide between those who think the electricity grid will go the way of the Post Office, and those who think we can’t do without it, is deepening. Plus: The race to offer easy add-on storage for solar; Ergon’s big energy storage plans; why solar plus storage should be big in western Sydney; the next step for the solar industry; New York City’s exciting new energy storage example; EVs and energy storage; and New York’s new energy focus.
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RenewEconomy Daily News
The Parkinson Report
The head of US-based solar manufacturer and developer SunPower says the company is about to add storage to its solar offerings, and says Australia should be at the leading edge of localised generation market.
The plunging cost of rooftop solar, the anticipated fall in battery costs, and the potential ability to buy a home energy system from the local hardware store, is causing a split between those that believe the grid will follow in the footsteps of the Post Office, and those that insist we can’t do without it.
Thousands of households with rooftop solar PV are getting only 8-10c/kWh for exports, while paying up to 30-50c for energy in peak periods.
Queensland’s Ergon Energy is about to set an energy storage capacity target for 2020 as it seeks to move its business model away from a sole reliance on poles and wires, and adapt to the decreasing costs of local generation.
New suburbs and housing estates in western Sydney should have solar plus storage at the core of energy supply. That will save costs for everyone.
Leasing packages that combine storage with solar will appeal to Australian households, providing an opportunity to manage consumption and provide certainty over bills.
New York City’s Metropolitan Transit Authority has installed three CellCube vanadium flow batteries at its lower Manhattan headquarters.
When and how will we be able to use EVs to store energy from our solar PV system and provide mobility and power our homes?
New York instructs utilities to meet needs of a distributed, consumer-focused energy system. Sa

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