Ides of March: PM, Rudd set for battle


Ides of March: PM, Rudd set for battle

News Limited Network
February 14, 201310:35AM

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Opposition Leader Tony Abbott surprises Kevin Rudd as he says hello at Michelle Grattan’s farewell drinks Parliament House in Canberra. Picture: Gary Ramage Source: News Limited

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A FINAL showdown between Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd could come within weeks, as tensions in the Labor caucus rose yesterday over the leaking of a letter critical of the former PM.

Supporters of Mr Rudd yesterday accused the Gillard supporters of circulating a damaging letter from a member of the public to the media and among the caucus.

Claiming it was in retaliation for Mr Rudd’s public attacks over the failed mining tax, several Rudd backers claimed there was now a push within his ranks to “finish the thing before the end of March”.

After today, Parliament is not due to return for a full sitting until March 12.

Mr Rudd has been privately counselled by some of his key backers to pull back from his public campaign for fear it could spark another showdown before they are ready.

And a source close to the PM said Ms Gillard would not rise to the bait and had no intention of goading the former PM while she still had the numbers behind her.

But many in Parliament believe another challenge to Ms Gillard’s leadership is being hatched.

MPs have been seen openly coming and going from Mr Rudd’s office this week.

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