Irrigators plan to save twice Melbourne’s water


Three projects identified by VFF: "On 3 October the Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) responded to the food bowl committee’s report. Firstly, it endorsed savings of at least 225 gigalitres. Secondly, it said that any savings in excess of 225 gigalitres …should be shared equally between farmers and the environment… In recent talks with the government, the VFF identified three projects that could provide up to 250 gigalitres of water savings in the Goulburn Murray irrigation district for future investments.

One million dollars to be invested: "What we have is a project which is about investing $1 billion in modernising irrigation infrastructure…paid for by $600 million from the state government through the budget, plus $300 million from Melbourne Water plus $100 million locally — and it is about securing those savings and splitting them three ways," said Brumby.

Reference: John Brumby, Premier of Victoria, Legislative Assembly, Victoria, 9 October 2007.

Erisk Net, 8/11/2007

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