It’s 1993 all over again Petition LABOR PARTY

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It’s 1993 all over again


Andrew Leigh via 

5:17 PM (49 minutes ago)

to me

Neville, As the week goes on, their plan is becoming clearer: Tony Abbott wants to break his promise on the GST.

Every day this week another Liberal MP has come out in support of putting GST on fresh food — effectively turning every check-out in the nation, even at your local fruit and vegetable store, into a tax collector.

And with Senior Cabinet Minister Andrew Robb now leading the charge, Australians are in no doubt whatsoever than an increase in the GST is firmly on the Abbott Government’s agenda.

Can you sign our petition and show the Liberals that Australians just don’t support paying more GST?

Just like Tony Abbott promised there were no plans for a GP Tax, it’s looking more and more likely he’ll make families pay more for fresh food.

Already 4,419 people have added their name to the list of people against an unfair broadening of the GST.

Sign our petition today and together we can make that number even bigger.


Andrew Leigh
Shadow Assistant Treasurer

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