John James Newsletter No. <11>

1 December, 2014 John James Newsletter0

The John James Newsletter 11
6 September 2014.

How the IPCC is sharpening its language on climate change
Not only is the wording around how the climate is changing more decisive, the evidence the report references is stronger when compared to the  previous version published in 2007.

Arab Region Has World’s Fastest Growing HIV Epidemic

You Can’t Understand ISIS If You Don’t Know the History of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia
The dramatic arrival of ISIS in Iraq has perplexed many by its violence and its evident magnetism for Sunni youth. They find Saudi Arabia’s ambivalence in the face of this both troubling and inexplicable, wondering, “Don’t the Saudis understand that ISIS threatens them, too?” A powerful analysis.
also from
The Caliph now controls seven oil fields and two refineries in northern Iraq, plus six oil fields in northeastern Syria. They are extracting at least 40,000 barrels a day. They sell this oil at a cut-rate $25 to $60 a barrel whereas  Brent crude is currently over $100. The Caliph is making roughly $2 million a day, and everything paid for in cash or bartered goods. No one knows who’s buying from their complex distribution network, but the fact is the oil flows from Caliph-controlled Syria to Turkey and Jordan. Being so flush, no wonder The Caliph’s armies are heading towards Aleppo; they are less than 50 km away, and could soon take over some eastern suburbs.
The Obama administration, meanwhile, prefers to excel at sanctioning Russia. If they were really serious at targeting The Caliph, they’d be following the money.

Which town will be Australia’s first Zero Net Energy Town?
The NSW consortium behind the push to create Australia’s first zero net energy town has formally issued a call for tenders, inviting service providers to develop a blueprint and business case for the project.

Another step in the growing Central-Asian block that is changing the global balance of power.
Putin breaks ground on Russia-China gas pipeline to launch the construction of the first part of Gazprom’s Power of Siberia pipeline, which will deliver 4 trillion cubic meters of gas to China over 30 years.

Solar, wind, sugar, manufacturing sectors respond to RET review

Somalia famine: ‘We only have days to live’
People are starving in southern Somalia while relief efforts are blocked by government and rebel fighting.

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