Keneally’s state plan leaked on the web


Other aspects of the document, including photographs and chapter names, are identical.

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Senior government sources confirmed yesterday that the government intended to release the plan tomorrow morning before a Sky News debate between Ms Keneally and the Opposition Leader, Barry O’Farrell.

The 2010 plan seems to have few targets changed from a plan released by the former premier Morris Iemma in 2006. The document reveals about ”75 per cent of the priorities and targets have been retained by the state plan launched in 2006”.

An analysis of the document, on the website, shows some targets have been watered down.

The premature release on the internet comes after the government accidentally released its transport blueprint last month on the web. The Transport Minister, David Campbell, and Ms Keneally later apologised to Parliament after Mr Campbell called Herald journalists ”hackers” when the paper reported the early internet publication.

The new plan has removed the 2006 targets for employment and community participation rates for people with mental illness.

It also lacks data on how the government is performing in a range of health areas, including elective surgery and triage times.

The plan downgrades the proportion of students it wants performing at the highest national standards in literacy and numeracy by 2016, from 15 per cent to 12 per cent.

In 2006 the government set a target of 55,000 zoned and serviced lots ready for development in the greater Sydney region by last year. The target has not been reached, and the figure of 55,000 has been reset.

However, in the new plan there is no longer a timeframe and new zoned and serviced lots on the central coast count towards the target.

The executive director of the Urban Taskforce, Aaron Gadiel, said a number of performance indicators had been dropped because the government was not on track to meet them. The establishment of 43 bus corridors promised in 2006 is relisted as a goal, as are 1000 new buses. But the government has delivered only 300 additional buses and only six of the supposed 43 bus corridors.

Phyllis Sakinofsky, a spokeswoman for Ms Burney, said the plan had been deliberately uploaded a fortnight ago. A report card on meeting targets would be released tomorrow. But web records show parts of the document were created on Monday.

News the plan was already on the website without announcement was leaked to the National Party leader, Andrew Stoner.

Mr Stoner said the plan was ”nothing short of a joke from an incompetent government that is out of ideas after 15 years”.

”NSW has broken down, but this sham of a plan contains nothing more than motherhood statements, fudged figures and watered-down targets.”

Ms Keneally’s husband, Ben, a former management consultant who became a senior public servant under Mr Iemma, was an architect of the original plan.

Targets in the 2010 plan include reducing property crime by 15 per cent by 2016, reducing personal crime by 10 per cent, reducing the proportion of offenders who reoffend within 24 months by 10 per cent by 2016, and a 7 per cent reduction in the overall level of homelessness in NSW by 2013.