Local Food

Food Action0

The topic of local food has always been close to the heart of the Generator. As the introductory song says, "It’s about the plants you grow; the energy you use. It’s about the things you give and take … from the world around you … it’s about turning ideas into action."

When we first brought out the film "Power of Community," co-host Wadzy reminisced about his time in Cuba with Roberto Perez. Now Roberto is in Australia talking about the role that permaculture, organic food and urban agriculture plays in the city of Havana.

Three guests on Bay FM all discussed the role of distance and food on air.

Hear Kali Wendorf on Nyck Jeanes show talking about the role of corporations.

Hear Ken McLeod on The Generator talking about the resilience of societies

Hear Jane Thompson on The Generator talk about local food

Hear Jane and Ken discuss the ethics of food.



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