“If locusts are seen hatching, roosting, forming dense bands on the ground, or flying, please report them, and where possible, spray them.
“Small landholders can buy an appropriate chemical from their local garden chemical reseller, such as a hardware store or nursery.
“Treatment can be practical where high numbers of young or mature locusts congregate to feed on abundant green growth in gardens and paddocks.
Mr Eggleston said it was vital the presence of locusts on both large and small properties be reported.
“The efforts of small landholders, combined with the efforts of local farmers, will help in getting on top of the current outbreak and minimising the harm locusts can cause,” he said.
“No-one wants to see locusts eating out gardens, pastures and crops – so by working together we can get on top of the outbreak and get rid of them completely.
“Small landholders should report locusts to their local Livestock Health and Pest Authority at Wagga on 02 6923 0900, Jerilderie on 03 5886 1203, or at Deniliquin on 03 5886 1203.”
To date more than 1100 reports of second generation locust activity have been received and enough insecticide has been distributed to treat 21,000 hectares of second generation locusts.