Grass roots democracy in action

General news5

More than 200 people attended a Candidate Forum in West End last night, to meet 10 of the 11 candidates standing in the forthcoming Griffith by-election. Here are some images from the Forum.

Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wal
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall
Photo: Jimmy Wall

5 thoughts on “Grass roots democracy in action

  1. .:ah fk. Never hear about these meets untill the day after…:.

  2. Darwin

    6 February, 2014

    Nice. Will you post the video too?

  3. Jimmy Wall

    6 February, 2014

    Darwin, I only shot photos, but I’ll check with my colleagues regarding any video footage.

  4. Patrick

    6 February, 2014

    I wanted to attend this meeting, but could find no information anywhere about what time it was held. Westender advertised the date and venue, but did not mention the time. The venue’s website had no information about the meeting. I searched the websites of the Greens and ALP, both of whose representatives were attending, but again absolutely no information at all about the meeting. In fact, in those two websites, there was no information of any kind on where one might meet the candidates. They were very well hidden.

    Is this deliberate – was the idea to stack the meeting with the chosen few? Or just incompetence all round?

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