Did you know West End’s local population has just passed through some very significant milestones? There are now 20,000+ residents, 30,000+ workers and around 18,000 students in the neighbourhood – and the Westender is your platform to communicate and promote to this thriving local economy.
Extensive research proves that supporting local, independent businesses has enormous flow-on benefits. The local independent businessperson you choose to support is much more likely to spend his or her money locally, too, contributing to a multiplier affect that builds the local economy and community.
For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Kerrod Trott and I started publishing the Westender way back in 1992, more than 20 years ago and long before Rupert Murdoch’s Southern News/City South News, Brian Laver’s scurrilous Neighbourhood News or the glossy new West End Magazine, a kind of lifestyle magazine.
The paper has been through numerous incarnations over the years but the underlying philosophy of the Westender is the same today as it was way back then: to promote a sense of community and belonging among the local residents, and to act as a channel to promote the wonderfully diverse small business community who make this such a great place to live, shop, work and visit.
With the support of my new partner and collaborator Geoff Ebbs, we’ve decided to have another crack at putting out a print edition in early December of this year, with the editorial philosophy of encouraging our readers – residents and visitors alike – to shop and save locally for Christmas this year.
Please contact me if you’d like a copy of our Media Pack for both print and online advertising. We’ll also soon be releasing details of an exciting new “I Save Local” phone app which will provide 24/7 access to our audience. Stay tuned for details.
If you’re planning your Christmas promotional and marketing budget, I urge you to find room in it for advertising to the nearly 70,000 people that live, work and live 4101, all of who are right on your doorstep and yet may not know of your services, products or business.
Kerrod Trott
Founding Editor and Publisher