Neville – This afternoon I joined with Andrew Wilkie in Parliament to move a …

22 February, 2016 General news0

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Adam Bandt
Neville – This afternoon I joined with Andrew Wilkie in Parliament to move a …
5:23 PM (1 hour ago)

Neville Gillmore <>

6:57 PM (1 minute ago)

to John, Andrew, bcc: ROS
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Adam Bandt <>
Date: Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 5:23 PM
Subject: vile
To: Neville Gillmore <

Neville –

This afternoon I joined with Andrew Wilkie in Parliament to move a motion to censure Immigration Minister Peter Dutton. Moments earlier Dutton had cruelly and crudely suggested children and people seeking asylum  might deliberately self-harm to gain passage to Australia. Shamefully Labor joined with the Liberals to kill the motion.

Parliament also voted to gag Andrew Wilkie from speaking out in defense of refugees and children like Baby Asha.

I was able to speak on this critical issue in Parliament. You can view and share my speech here. 

The government will try and silence their opponents, but with your help we will continue to do everything we can to protect these 267 people seeking asylum from being deported to the hell-hole of Nauru.


PS. As we get closer to the election, the government will continue to try and silence us and dominate the debate. Donate to my campaign fighting fund today so that we can continue to act on these critical issues.

Photo Credit: Mike Bowers, The Guardian

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