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News 9 new results for DANGER TO US NUCLEAR PLANTS
Vermont Yankee, State Rights and the Future of Nuclear Power
Freedom to advocate for safety by state officials is especially important in view of the catastrophic meltdowns and hydrogen explosions at three nuclear plants in Fukushima. Vermont Yankee–along with 22 other nuclear reactors in the US–has the
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Energy officials prepare for summer without San Onofre plant
The reactor was taken offline and Southern California Edison, the plant’s operator, began pressure-testing 129 tubes that showed excessive wear, while the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission dispatched a team to investigate the issue.
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Reflections by Fidel Castro : US Iran war could be historic mistake
National Turk English
Cuba’s legendary leader Fidel Castro ‘s latest reflections hints at the danger on looming US Iran war. Fidel Castro warns USA of an Iran war, states it will be the worst mistake in US history. Havana / NationalTurk – Fidel Castro shared his vision in
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National Turk English
We need more nuclear plants
Bakersfield Californian
Nuclear power is dangerous if not controlled and contained properly. The key to a safe nuclear program is training. Why do you think the US Navy has such a good record with its many nuclear-powered ships? It’s safety training.
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How to make Iran change its mind
CNN (blog)
By Meir Javedanfar, The Diplomat The Iranian regime can live without its nuclear program. But it can’t live without its economy, and the recently imposed sanctions, if continued, could turn into an existential danger for the Iranian regime by
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A thousand people gather at Vermont Yankee protest; dozens arrested
“I don’t want it to happen here,” he said. Nielsen said he was a strong supporter of nuclear power until the 1970s, when, he said, he learned of the dangers it poses. He lives within the 50-mile radius of the plant but, Nielsen said, “I’m 82.
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Going nuclear
High Plains Journal
Three Mile Island (1979), Chernobyl (1986) and the Tepco nuclear generating facilities in Japan (2011) all bring to the forefront the dangers of using nuclear reactors to generate electricity. We all remember watching the containment buildings
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Norwegian PM asks summit to address NK nuke issue
Yonhap News
Norway, which has no nuclear power plants, has been struggling to handle radioactive materials from a Russian nuclear submarine that sank near the Kola Peninsula off the east coast of Norway in 1967. “For Norway, the most important issue for us is
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Digging for the Burial of the Species
Pacific Free Press
When 20 years ago I stated at the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro that a species was in danger of extinction, I had fewer reasons than today for warning about a danger that I was seeing perhaps 100 years
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