Opposition wants Greens Loans inquiry


“They’ve lacked control, they’ve had poor management, faulty design, significant overpayment and this is the same scheme.”

But Climate Change Minister Penny Wong says her Department is already investigating the claims.

“Peter Garrett did what he should have done, which was to act on concerns,” she said.

Under the original scheme householders were offered free energy efficiency audits by registered assessors, $50 vouchers to spend on green products and access to interest-free loans to make improvements on their homes.

The critical reports found widespread lack of compliance with government regulations on procurement, absence of effective program supervision and poor financial controls for the program, among other things.

The reports blame the department’s focus on speed rather than on quality.

Instead of loans, the Government will now give grants to accredited assessors and to community groups who provide practical help to low income Australians to improve their energy efficiency.

Greens Senator Scott Ludlam says the new plan is lacking in detail.

“The main thing that we’ll be looking for is that it’s credible, that it’s not being done in a rush and that the necessary audit processes are in place, that it actually rolls out as it’s intended,” he said.

“We simply can’t afford to waste another two years with these headline grabbing announcements such as the home insulation and issue and the Green Loans issue.”

Tags: business-economics-and-finance, environment, climate-change, government-and-politics, federal-government, programs-and-initiatives, australia

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