Our Councillors need your support Hunter Community Environment Centre

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Our Councillors need your support


Hunter Community Environment Centre

2:12 PM (21 minutes ago)

to me

Hunter Community Environment Centre
Dear Nevile,
Tomorrow, Newcastle Councillors will vote on whether to overturn their recent decision to divest from fossil fuels.

Following a fortnight of attacks on this important decision to moveNewcastle’s investments away from industries of the past, Liberal Party Councillors have succeeded in calling for a vote to revoke Newcastle’s divestment move.

Click here to encourage Newcastle to stand strong on its vision for a future beyond coal.

Under pressure from the Federal Government and the coal industry, there’s a real chance that the Councillors who backed this motion before could backflip at tomorrow’s vote.

But if enough of us speak out and let Newcastle’s Councillors know that there is strong support for divestment, we can avoid this damaging outcome.

A Fairfax public opinion poll last week found that over 91% of people supported Newcastle’s divestment decision.* As Newcastle’s Councillors get lambasted by the coal industry for showing real leadership, we need to make sure that they know the community has their back and that backflipping on this important decision is not an option.

Let the Councillors who supported Newcastle’s decision to divest hear your support for them standing strong.

Opponents of the divestment decision argue that it will hurt jobs. In reality, the coal industry only employs 2% of Newcastle’s workforce and most of the profits end up overseas rather than supporting the local community.

And that’s why Newcastle’s divestment decision is so important – it recognises the need to invest in industries that guarantee safe, sustainable and local jobs which contribute to the local economy rather than lining the pockets of fossil fuel giants.

If you agree that this is a vision worthy of our support, then join us in calling for Newcastle’s Councillors to stand strong and vote NO to rejecting fossil fuel divestment and YES to a brighter future for Newcastle.

HCEC recognises and appreciates the support and initiative of 350.org in bringing this important issue front and centre for Novocastrians.

For a healthy Hunter,

Fee and the team at HCEC

*Click here to see the results of the poll.

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