our governments are about to set a goal to cut carbon pollution completely, putting us on a path to 100% clean energy! This target is now in the

10 December, 2014 General news0
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Climate – Something huge is happening


Alice Jay – Avaaz

2:11 PM (18 minutes ago)

to me
Dear friends across Australia,

The world is about to sign up to a 100% clean energy future! But the goal to completely cut carbon is at risk at the Lima climate talks. Let’s flood negotiators with messages now to make sure they know the world is watching, and to stand strong for climate action!


Something huge is happening this week — our governments are about to set a goal to cut carbon pollution completely, putting us on a path to 100% clean energy! This target is now in the draft Global Climate Agreement, but it is at risk.

Right now, Ministers from all over the world are on their way to Lima, Peru to hammer out the agreement. But oil, coal and fracking companies, and countries that want to keep polluting are lobbying hard to pull this crucial target from the text. That’s where we come in.

People power forced through this crucial goal, now we have to protect it! If we don’t, scientists are clear — catastrophic and runaway climate change is inevitable. Our best chance of blocking back-room deals with polluters is bombarding our Ministers with thousands of messages.

If enough of us act, they’ll know they’re being watched and expected to stand strong for the goal of 0 carbon, and 100% clean energy. Send your message now! 


The Avaaz team is on the ground and will ensure each country’s delegate and media know how many messages have been sent per country, and our messages could even be projected onto screens right in the conference hall and hand delivered to Ministers.

Long time climate activists are saying there is more hope for action now than ever! After hundreds of thousands of us took to the streets in September demanding climate action, the EU, US and China finally started to move in the right direction. Getting their commitment to reduce carbon pollution to zero would be a massive step forward. Let’s lock in this progress before the lobbyists can unravel it. Send a message now:


For years we’ve been campaigning for climate action. And now our governments are finally moving in the right direction, but the stakes could not be higher, and what happens next will depend on us. Let’s do everything we can to win the deal we need to save the world!

With hope,

Alice, Iain, David, Emily, Laura, Oscar, Fatima, Ricken and the whole Avaaz team


UN climate talks begin as global temperatures break records (BBC)

Prior to climate deal, talks begin in Peru (Times of India)

Will Lima climate talks pave way for a binding treaty in Paris in 2015? (The Guardian)

Cautious optimism as delegates descend on Lima ahead of UN climate talks (ABC News)

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