Photocopy charges under the microscope

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West End is a hot bed of photocopier companies with CSG, BBC Digital, Berwicks and Ricoh all running their Qld operations from here and Toshiba and Xerox printers next door in Woollongabba.

Most business owners know that photocopy pricing seems to increase, with new and creative ways to charge appearing on every contract anniversary.

Westender has been contacted by a number of business owners with serious questions as to the veracity or morality of the charges on their bills. A general theme seems to be that the finance costs far outstrip the actual cost of producing copies. Another concern is the appearance of scanning charges on some bills. “This is like the government taxing us for using solar panels,” quipped one business owner.

Westender is investigating the practices of our local businesses and would appreciate your input into that investigation.

If you have any queries over photocopy invoices you have recently received, please let us know, by entering a comment below or emailing


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