As news stories predicting an imminent global conflict proliferate, Michael Smith is walking from Central Victoria to Canberra carrying a proposed Act of Parliament intended to stop Australia entering a war without parliamentary approval.
Mr Smith’s legislation requires any resolution to deploy forces overseas to be approved by both houses of parliament.
As Mr Smith approaches Parliament with the draft Bill evidence continues to mount that the US is prepared to launch a major war with Russia rather than cede control of oil reserves in Syria.
The first war crime committed in any war of aggression is against the truth
Michael Parenti
HOW CLOSE IS WAR? Each item indicates escalating and deliberate provocation by the US.
Pics of US jets painted in Russian colours
Photos showing US jets being painted Russian colours suggest plans to conduct false flag attacks in Syria and blame them on Moscow.
Vladimir Putin knows who bombed the UN convoy
Terrorist groups were behind the attack on the humanitarian convoy. We know that the US is well aware of this, but they prefer to blame Russia.
Obama to discuss bombing Syrian military positions
Direct US military action in Syria, including airstrikes on Syrian military, radar and anti-aircraft bases, as well as arms depots, striking Syrian government forces could result in a direct confrontation between the US and Russia. Is Obama totally out of control?
RAF Pilots Ordered To Shoot Down “Hostile” Russian Jets Over Syria
As the US officially enters the Yemen military campaign, the UK appears willing to precipiate a catalytic event from which there is no going back. With relations between Russia and the West at post-Cold War lows and deteriorating fast, RAF pilots have been given the go-ahead to shoot Russian military jets when flying over Syria and Iraq, if they are endangered by them. The development comes with warnings that the UK and Russia are now “one step closer” to being at war. The Syrian government invited the Russians, but not the British – well!!!
Russia Reads US Bluster as Sign of War
As US politicians and pundits have fun talking tough about Russia and demonizing President Putin, they are missing signs that Moscow isn’t amused and is preparing for actual conflict,
German Think Tank Warns Of Growing Nuclear War Danger
All the ingredients are present in the eastern Baltic area for conflict escalating to nuclear. This is a “prescription for catastrophe.”
Putin Throws Out the Old Nuclear Rules, Rattling Washington
Washington and Moscow used to keep arms control separate from other crises around the world. But that era is over and the next president will have to decide how to deal with it.
War between US and Russia Could Be Sooner than Later
Barely noticed in a virtual media blackout are at least a half dozen significant developments that all indicate a nuclear war at any time. In response Russia has been preparing its citizens for potential nuclear war. 40 million Russian citizens, that’s near one-third of the nation’s total population, just completed an unprecedented nuclear war defence drill. Moscow ordered all Russian citizens, diplomats and students traveling, working or studying abroad to immediately return home. Members of Russia’s diplomatic corps were threatened with career demotions should they refuse to comply.
Gorbachev says world at ‘dangerous’ point
As tensions between Russia and the US have spiked over Syria, relations between Moscow and Washington – already at their lowest since the Cold War over the Ukraine conflict – have soured further in recent days as the US pulled the plug on Syria talks and accused Russia of hacking attacks. The Kremlin meanwhile has suspended a series of nuclear pacts, including a symbolic cooperation deal to cut stocks of weapons-grade plutonium.
MAD: The Nuclear Debate America Should be Having
Washington’s Global Economic Wars
Washington has escalated its global economic war against major economic rivals and no longer confines itself to peripheral economic countries, but has declared trade wars against world powers that include Russia, China, Germany, Iran and Saudi Arabia, as well as Syria, Yemen, Venezuela, Cuba and the Donbas region of Ukraine. There is an increasingly thinner distinction between military and economic warfare.
NSA whistleblower says DNC hack was not done by Russia, but by US intelligence
The motivation of the hacker was concern over Hillary Clinton’s disregard of national security secrets when she used a personal email and consistently lied about it. NSA has all of Clinton’s deleted emails, and the FBI could gain access to them. No need for Trump to ask the Russians for those emails, he can just call on the FBI or NSA to hand them over.
The War campaign
This campaign is driven by a deep and bitter divide: whether to risk war with Russia, or not. Not since 1860 has a presidential election been affected by a basic divide between a War Party that is tremendously strong (Its candidate is Hillary Clinton, with Wall Street and Big Oil among its constituents) while Donald Trump speaks for a faction that sees the risk of war as just too dangerous.
If Australia went to war, would you want the government to gain parliamentary approval?
Michael Smith, from Chewton in central Victoria, certainly does, and he thinks the majority of Australians do too, after commissioning a national online poll in 2013.
Mr Smith will walk from Chewton to Canberra carrying legislation drafted by a team of international lawyers in the hope of changing Australian legislation