Councillor Helen Abrahams, The Gabba Ward calls for the Lord Mayor to adhere to his Neighbourhood Plan for West End and purchase the land at 68 Vulture Street for a new park.
“It was only when the owner of the site lodged a development application for a five storey building that Council’s intention to purchase the entire site for parkland was revealed” said Helen Abrahams.
“As soon as I knew that this site was earmarked for a park, I was out in the streets to find out what local residents thought. They gave me a clear message: that the majority of residents want a park.”
Locals know that Council is planning for a population increase of 25,000 residents in South Brisbane and West End. This is three times the existing population. It will put huge pressure on existing parks. More parkland is vital to meet the needs of future residents.”
“I support a park on this site. I have advised the Lord Mayor of my support. It is now up the Lord Mayor to deliver the park.”
The owners of this property, in good faith, proposed to develop the site for shops, offices and 19 residential units. Instead of a development approval from Council they received a letter to resume their land.
“The Lord Mayor should have taken steps to acquire this land in 2011 when the Neighbourhood Plan was introduced, rather than wait until the owners had gone to the considerable expense of preparing a development application” said Helen Abrahams.
“The Lord Mayor should learn from this experience and proceed immediately to acquire an additional site identified for acquisition for parkland – 281 Montague Road, West End. The best and kindest outcome for the property owners is for Council to acquire the site as soon as possible once they have indicated it is needed for park.