Scientists shed light on hydrogen fuel project

Energy Matters0

Scientists shed light on hydrogen fuel project

ABC February 12, 2010, 9:00 am


Researchers from the University of Wollongong, on the New South Wales south coast, are part of a group to have developed new technology with the potential to make hydrogen fuel from water.

The process would occur using sunlight from solar panels on suburban homes and schools.

The research group has obtained patent status in Australia for the technology and has applied for a patent to protect intellectual property rights in the United States.

Dr Gerhard Swiegers from the Intelligent Polymer Research Institute says researches have been able to mimic the process of photosynthesis that occurs in plants.

“Hydrogen is of course a fuel. You can burn hydrogen in your car like you can burn petrol or diesel. In fact, there are a number of hydrogen-powered cars already out there,” he said.

“What we are effectively doing is converting sunlight, the energy in sunlight, into a transportation fuel, namely hydrogen.”

While the technology is still some years away from commercial production, it has attracted strong interest in the United States where hydrogen power cars are in development.

Dr Swiegers says the technology has great commercial potential.

“Potentially we will be able to build a solar cell which you can put on your roof, the roof of your home, and then it will split water for you and make hydrogen for you at home which you could fill your car up with,” he said.

The University of Wollongong is collaborating with teams from Princeton University in the United States, Monash University and the CSIRO.

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