![Leigh Matthews](http://westender.com.au/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Leigh-Matthews-300x241.jpg)
Sporting clubs, corporations, superfunds and chambers of commerce are busy announcing their new executives following their annual general meetings.
Like most forms of democracy many of these annual general meetings are somewhat untidy. membership lists are not up to date, rules around eligibiity to vote are not clear, the purpose of the annual general meeting is not clear, the membership has not been properly notified.
This is not an extraordinary or isolated incidence of corruption, this is so commonplace that Westender is providing access to the standard rules for those of you have yet to hold your annual general meeting or those of you who have just been to one and found it wanting.
Football star Leigh Matthews was delayed from running for the president of the board of the Brisbane Lions on the basis that his membership was up to date. The West End Traders association is this month holding an extraordinary general meeting after the annual general meeting last month failed to elect a president. The full story was reported two issues ago.
Most organistions do not have their own constitutions and are governed by the model rules provided under the and available at the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 and Associations Incorporation Regulation 1999.
The area that seems to vex many associations are those around the holding of Annual General Meetings and the rights to vote in them.
The model rules clearly indicate that nominees for contested positions must nominate 14 days prior to the AGM. The entire membership must have been notified of the time and place of the AGM and must have access to the agenda of the meeting and the rules for voting.
The model rules can be found at at http://www.fairtrading.qld.gov.au/AssociationsAndNonprofits/Model_rules.pdf
In the case of the West End Traders Association, new members who sign up by emailing WETA secretary, David Mildren and paying the membership fee of $100 between now and the 17th of November, can be ratified at the general meeting to be held prior to the Extraordinary General Meeting and therefore vote in the extraordinary general meeting election.
The annual general meeting did not appoint a full complement of general members and can decide to accept nominations fro m the floor.
Nominations for other positions are now closed or were voted on last month.