14 March 2010
On Monday the Greens will move a motion calling on the Government to establish an independent National Inquiry into Australia’s Population to 2050.
“Australia’s population should be determined by the capacity of our environment and our infrastructure,” said Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown.
“Australia cannot support an increase in population to 35 million by 2050.
“Immigration should not be stopped.
“In fact Australia should increase its humanitarian immigration program, but we need to reduce our skilled migration program and balance that reduction by investing in skills training for Australians.
“National population policy is the responsibility of government; it should be responsive to national and global factors.
“Global population is expected to grow from 6.8 billion people now to 9.2 billion by 2050 and Australia should be taking a lead in finding global solutions.
“That should include increasing Australia’s overseas aid budget to 0.7% GDP now with more funding for literacy and reproduction health programs for women and girls.”
Media contact: Erin Farley 0438 376 082
Erin Farley
Media Adviser
Senator Bob Brown | Leader of the Australian Greens
Suite SG-112 Parliament House, Canberra ACT
P: 02 6277 3577 | M: 0438 376 082| F: 02 6277 3185