Business owners working sixty hour weeks and more are not setting their priorities correctly, according to Matthew Snelleksz. The author, accountant and consultant specialises in fixing broken businesses, which he defines as businesses that do not make enough profit for their owners to take holidays, pay themselves bonuses or establish a comfortable retirement plan.
Regular readers of Business Voice will recognise his catch phrase, “Focus on sales, profit then cashflow”.
His focus is on organisations where the owner fails to delegate and where money is left lying on the table because the owner is not focusing on the correct priorities. Nearly all of the recommendations Snellecksz makes in his presentations are available in a range of business texts, the difference is that he challenges his students to make a short term action plan that will lead to immediate results.
Immediately obvious to this observer is the uncomfortable truth that many business owners, and line managers for that matter, work long hours, not because they have to but because it helps them avoid the reality of the rest of their life. Snelleksz has a no nonsense manner of shining a spotlight on the shadows of that addiction.
In one month since attending a two hour workshop, Westender has already changed two simply priorities that have begun to strengthen the business. If you owe us money, expect me to be knocking on your door any day with a crying baby or an agitated alligator.
Visit Matthew Snelleksz website for more information.