Soul Sex facebook saga continues

General news1

As my facebook page Soul Sex grows beyond 200,000 so do my issues.

This morning I was greeted with another message from facebook headquarters, “If you or any of the other Page admins continue to post things that violate our Community Standards, Soul Sex may be unpublished. Please review your account and remove anything that violates our policies.”

This time the image is from Dimitry Laudin. Here is the offending post:

Artist Dimitry Laudin

When I'm feeling lack, 
I need to reach deep within me to access that infinite light.

 Sidonie Bouchet © 2012

Facebook, I admire your endeavour to clean up your social media site, but could you please ensure the real pornography is removed, because soul-less sex really offends me.

– Sidonie Bouchet, December 1, 2013

To see the original post go to ‘The Banished Breasts

One thought on “Soul Sex facebook saga continues

  1. Really Sidonie, you should know by now that naked nipples can offend in a way that blowing people’s heads off, locking women in cellars or deliberately running over people in cars simply cannot. Just get over it girl, get those nipples off your website and get on with building your audience to half a million.

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