Speaker blasts rowdy MPs

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How not to run a parliament

Speaker blasts rowdy MPS

ABCMarch 8, 2012, 8:56 am

Parliamentary Speaker Michael Polley has put politicians on notice after almost ejecting three MPs and threatening to walk out himself during a rowdy session of Parliament.

Michael Polley was already rattled when the Deputy Premier, Bryan Green, produced a poster-sized copy of a newspaper photograph of the Liberal MP Michael Ferguson.

The photograph showed Mr Ferguson being helped over the finish line at a recent fun run in Launceston.

When the Deputy Premier began making references to a Liberal pledge to be self reliant, the House erupted and Mr Polley threatened to leave.

“Now I warn the House if this continues, I’ll leave the chair.”

“Order, quite clearly that’s a personal attack on the member for Bass. Order, order. I ask the House come to order or I’ll leave the Chamber.”

The Speaker says he has only ever used the tactic once before and it is a resort.

“You can’t have people attacking each other on a personal basis. They ought to be concentrating on what the issues are.”

Mr Polley says he will not hesitate to eject MPs who misbehave today.

Deputy Opposition leader Jeremy Rockliff says he was appalled by Mr Green’s behaviour.

“This was going just that one or two steps too far.”

Greens MP Kim Booth says Tasmanians expect a better standard from their politicians.

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