Dear Neville,
This Saturday, we have the opportunity to Stop the Sell Off of our electricity network and to send Tony Abbott a message.
Mike Baird wants to sell our poles and wires to the China state-owned company China Southern Power Grid. This would see the NSW economy lose $1.7 billion in profits that help pay for our hospitals, schools, TAFEs and apprenticeships.
In the last week of this campaign we’ve been showing this ad around NSW – can you watch and share it?

When the electricity networks in Victoria and South Australia were sold off power bills increased, jobs were lost, and complaints skyrocketed. The same thing will happen here in New South Wales if the Liberals get their way, hurting families and communities.
Make sure you watch and share the ad we’re showing around NSW in the last week of the campaign.
Selling the electricity network is wrong. Selling it to another country is just not on. And Mike Baird is not going to be a Premier who will stand up to Tony Abbott.
Put the Liberals and Nationals last this Saturday.
In unity
P.S. Want to learn more about why selling our electricity network is bad policy? Find out here. |