Synthetic transport fuels key to future


The Symposium marks the first high level technical conference to address the research needs related to conversion of gas to liquids, coal to liquids and biomass to liquids, altogether known as XTL. Producing synthetic fuels from gas, coal and biomass will be a key focus for CSIRO’s Energy Transformed Flagship, through the additional funding.

“Our reserves of liquid transport fuels are diminishing and the conversion of natural gas to diesel or gasoline is an obvious solution,” says David Lamb, Leader for the Flagship’s Low Emissions Transport research.

“Even a small improvement in Australia’s liquid fuel self sufficiency will deliver significant economic benefits to the nation as we will be less dependent on expensive imported oil. In addition, these synthetic fuels have environmental benefits with lower emissions.” 

“Producing synthetic fuels from gas, coal and biomass will be a key focus for CSIRO’s Energy Transformed Flagship, through the additional funding.”

CSIRO’s research in gas-to-liquids technology is a key focus of the new AusGas initiative according to CSIRO Petroleum’s Deputy Chief Dr David Whitford,

“AusGas is a national alliance of research centres in partnership with industry and Government to address the technology challenges of the local gas industry,” Dr Whitford says.

“AusGas recognises that the development of Australia’s natural gas resources offers the prospect of a secure and competitive supply of transport, domestic and industrial fuels, lower emissions and an opportunity for significant wealth generation, and gas-to-liquids is central to this.”

The Symposium keynote address will be delivered by Australia’s Chief Scientist, Dr Jim Peacock, and world renowned experts including Jens Rostrup-Nielsen and Enrique Iglesia will discuss recent technological advances. In addition, CSIRO specialists from the Energy Transformed Flagship and Petroleum Division will outline the latest research activities in Australia.

Media are welcome to attend the Symposium which starts at 9am, July 17, at The Australian Academy of Science’s Shine Dome, Gordon St, ANU, Canberra.

For more information about the Symposium and to download speaker’s bio’s and abstracts visit

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