Thank you Australian Labor Party

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Thank you


Skye Laris via 

1:39 PM (2 hours ago)

to me
2014 has been a big year for Labor.

Since the last election, the Abbott Government has tried some foul things: $100,000 degrees, a GP Tax, cuts to health and education; the list goes on.

Yet despite what they’ve tried, our community has worked together to stand up against Abbott’s unfair budget.

Without your help, we couldn’t have helped to block $100,000 degrees, protect the Racial Discrimination Act, and uphold the World Heritage Listing for Tassie’s forests.

Thanks to your work more and more people know that Abbott’s budget is just rotten, and we’re only convincing more people every day.

So thank you.

We’ve made a short video reflecting on the year, take a look:


Together we’ve been able to make a difference, so thanks again.

Have a safe summer,

Skye, Riley, Ross and Alice
Labor’s Digital Campaigns Team

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